Dear Members of St. Philip's,
Before entering seminary in 2017, I had multiple conversations with my priest at St. David’s, The Reverend Lisa Mason, and one of the questions she posed was “Where do you want to serve?” And I immediately said, “St. Philip’s Episcopal Church.”
Lisa then asked “Can you tell me why?” And I thought about that and then said, “I am moved by their history; it is powerful and I want to stand with them in the face of racism in this country.”
I find it prophetic that three years later, having graduated from the Iona Collaborative of the Seminary of the Southwest and being ordained a Deacon in His Holy Episcopal Church, that racial unrest is again ascending. I pray that this time, right now, permanent, systemic transformation comes to our country.
Some of my bio facts: I have two adult children, two granddaughters, one great granddaughter, friends within and outside the church, two degrees from UT Austin, and I have lived in SA for over 30 years. My parents were from western Nebraska; my dad was career Army (JAG) and my mom a Kindergarten teacher. My only brother and his family live in Houston.
I have spent most of my 50-year career serving children in need and their families. I have taught/administered/directed in some interesting places: the International School of Bangkok, Thailand, the former TX Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation Richmond State School and the Beaumont State Center, Houston ISD, Edgewood ISD, Harcourt Assessment, San Antonio ISD and the City of San Antonio from which I retired in August 2018 as the City’s Director of Head Start.
Please know that I anticipate the time when I can shake your hands or give you a hug. But I’ll be patient until we are all safe from Covid 19.
From one long career to serving in God’s Episcopal Church may seem an unusual transition, but it is truly my call to be with you at St. Philip’s. I was asked a couple of months ago how long I planned on staying and my answer then and now is ‘as long as you want me’.
Weekly Sermons by Rev Brightman